Monday, September 11, 2023

I Survived Phase 2

For those of you reading my story who may be considering weight loss surgery, please remember that this is my story.  Yours may be different.  

After my last post, things went downhill.  I thought my body would process the lactose-free protein drink as it did before surgery.  Wrong!  My stomach and the whole body cavity went into a spiral spin, with the milk coagulating in my bottom belly (my assessment) and the gas working its way aroung the top lining and making the top body cavity so sore.  I was in agony.  So what do I do??!!  Go back to sipping on clear fluids.  No protein!  No nutrients! And I got weak and lethargic, along with everything else.  I had to add meat protein:  mashed up tuna, eggs, chicken, salmon and take multivitamins and B12 to regain my strength.  Jamaican chicken soup became my gas saviour,  moving the gas around and giving me the bowel movement I needed, a sonic boon.  TMI, you say.  You can't read me if you don't want the truth, nothing but the truth... LOL  

My pea, literally pea-sized stomach can only hold 3 ounces of food.  I have been good about it, with the exception of this one day, I drank my non dairy protein shake which I had thickened with avocado and fruit, and had more than the stomach could hold.  I had the most excruciating pain and nausea, and each time there was peristalsis (opening and closing of the digestive tract, one of the only things I remember in biology), it got worse.  It was almost like labor pain.  It solidified to me that 3 ounce is 3 ounce.

I survived Phase 2 and am now on to Phase 3, Soft Foods, for which I have had practice in Phase 2.  I expect it to be the homestretch to my new normal, for which I am ready.

I am off my blood pressure medication and have no backache.  

Though Phase 2 tried me, it didn't knock me out.  I am still here with:

No Regrets!

Photos from the past two weeks show that I am getting a waist line and my hip and stomach are slimming some.  You may have noticed I have not posted my weight loss.  On Thursday, a month since my surgery, I will weigh-in at the hospital and post my before and after weight. 

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