Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Like Mountain Climbing

I did Zoom yoga on April 13th, not the easy chair yoga for people my age and size. No, I did floor yoga, on your knees yoga, stetching yoga. Picture this - me holding on for dear life on the table, slowly making my way down, bones creaking to the additional  sounds of "oo's" and "ah's," no not those orgasmic "oo's" and "ah's," but more "ow, ow" ow."  If you think that was laughable, you should see the way up. I pulled a chair toward me to hold on, then I had to push the chair to the table for support and shuffle over with the chair.  Pulling up on the chair felt like I was climbing a mountain, taking breaks, resting and puffing.  It was more pitiful than laughable.  Tai Chi today, yoga the next day. 

Ain't nothing stopping me.

After surviving COVID-19, I started to write, giving birth to The Corona Chronicles, my daily thoughts and musings.  I find writing therapeutic. It's my personal journey through COVID-19.  It will give insight into the suffering, but also the goodness of people.  Heather's Dawning is made up of my first (Heather) and pet (Dawn) names. It's my awakening.  Covid-19 may have knocked me down, but it also awakened my creativity.

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